
Wednesday 31 August 2022

The outdoor life

The scout always gives of his best regardless of how he is feeling and the weather when out of doors as I was in the rain this morning with spots all over my blue Windcheater jacket and shorts.

A pad to kneel on makes sense as it can easily happen that something in the grass can press or cut into your skin apart from creepy crawlies.

I just so love being out 

Monday 29 August 2022

Roaring around the track

 Something I didn't see much of back in the day was pedalled go kart racing which would of been very much up my alley loving speed and boyish competitive fun in the great outdoors as much as we have access to relatively undisturbed countryside here even if the roar of the traffic isn't so far away.

Summer may be almost over but let's enjoy the last couple of days of it.

Friday 26 August 2022

The coming of the end for this year

 Regular activities will no doubt start to some in as we move out of the Holiday month and back to term time  not that stops say weekend sessions.

Just being out and having fun together is what matters.

Naturally you'd take your salutes while you're away at camp. A bit of structure is a good thing.

While being out and exploring you may notice things and here I recently noticed the Crab Apples have come out and a number are in the window ripening.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

More Summer camp

 Last full week in the Holiday month of August, so making the most of it here being out and about.

I doubt if you could "win" that Award although god knows we found resilence where we didn't expect it across Twenty Twenty and Twenty One.

An increasing trend in Summer Camp and other overnight events is to use dedicated centres such as those by PGL Group who often have schools for sports centred leisure weeks which do have the advantage of facilities and trained instructors at hand.

Here a centre is show set out for a Scouts Summer camp with chalet style blocks, tents set out and picnic tables for outdoor meal times.

In the past Scouting created its own regional camp centres with facilities.

Summer Camp can have themes and why not as it leads itself for group activities  and here the theme is Pirates for these lucky Cubs.

Anyone for a spot enacting a pirate attack with costumes and scenery made from cardboard with paint and fabrics?

Monday 22 August 2022

Finding your way

We hear much about Sat Nav's and mobile phone apps but frankly a decent map - for the UK and Ordnance Survey (O.S.) map is all you need with a compass for getting about having a lot of useful information  including notable views or sites being 100% reliable in all conditions and with no issues with mobile coverage or battery life.
This is a typical edition that has a download that could be stored on a smartphone that could be accessed even if there was no mobile signal.

In scouting we do learn about how to read maps as these Cubs are doing where there is a presentation going on.

Although the design does change there are Activity Award badges to be won for Cubs and others in the Scout Family.

Yes in 2022 I would add a mobile phone which can be a simple text and call model for emergency contact being the modern equivalent to  telephone call  box whose battery life is higher than internet enabled Smartphones but it doesn't replace the treid and tested map which as boys we learned.

Friday 19 August 2022

Coming ashore

The allure of just messing about on the water, propelling your very own boat was always a thing with me and I guess it is with him too as he comes ashore after an enjoyable hour or so.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Camp past and present


Given it's summer I thought we might look a little at Camp.

The basic things you need to bring for camp when it comes to suitable clothing, personal hygene  and your own knives, forks etc are largely the same today as it was decades ago although things like fleeces, track suit bottoms were not a thing then.

Electrics such as iPods and especially mobile phones were not around although the transistor radio was and really we are gettting out and away from modern home life so really it is unecessary as Akela has one if needed in an amergency plus we are trying to foster independence and resilence which isn't help if parents are "helicoptering" both undermining Akela role and telling boys (and girls) what they should be doing while they are supposed to be away.

The main task is setting our your own space, traditionally a tent, a useful skill and  a start point for you assuming responsibility for yourself.

Camp songs some specially written, others fun re-writes of other songs and tunes are sung.

Outside of things like hiking, climbing often sports take place, in this instance Rounders is being played apart from say football and perhaps a inter team tug of war.

What you learn,things you may do for your awards is important but the big thing is camp is meant to be FUN!

Monday 15 August 2022

Having fun

Still staying a little in the past...

Oh to be him sat holding on to the structure over a stream while eating a tasty morsel content.
He's very much as I wanted to be and look in the early 70's, fairly traditional with the sandals and sock garters I cherished just enjoying being a boy in the company of others.

I would however in the recent weather here I'd of looked more like these two lads, falling asleep after a long and hot day.

Friday 12 August 2022

Summer Activities

It is very much Summer being exceptionally hot as I type this out so we need to take care such as applying suncream (which certainly isn't "sissy"), keeping well hydrated with plenty of soft drinks and where we can, keeping in the shade.

Personally I would say short sleeved shirts or polo shirts and short trousers make more sense in this weather if you're undertaking  an activity for one of your badges or if you are jolly fortunate you are at Summer Camp.


You might get to go on the water, learning to paddle and navigate on a lake or a canal which is a really fun thing to do as you assume more responsibility which is a good thing  making sensible choices, thinking before doing stuff.

The modern world may seem at times rather different but underneath the surface it and the youngsters in it are basically the same.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Travelling in the past on the Trent & Mersey Canal

 Rather a warm day today so we are going near the water to cool off a bit.

Coming in from  the Wheelock,Cheshire  direction this narrow boat approaches the first of a few local lockgates which are in pairs.

If you look to the far right you will see the rear of the lockkeepers cottage still in it's unadulturated victorian state with a flight of stairs alongside the tow path.

This view is sadly no longer with us but was taken sometime between 1958 and 1962 where the original lock used to be before it and near enough everything on the right hand side literally fell underground due to subsidence which is an occupational hazard in this district.

This was replaced in 1958 by a Swedish designed steel lock but that tended to jam so fell into disuse so much so that from the 1980's I can recall exploring it and seeing in the summer local boys playing on it.

The fears around accidents and a few near misses lead to it being taken down around 1987/8 rather than being preserved a piece of canal heritage.

The knitters have been out too and decorated our postbox with a model of this area including our very active scout group.

Monday 8 August 2022


Not something I've ever done with my physical limits being what they are but positioning a cannon with all that ironwork is likely to consume an awful lot of Scout energy so one can only assume there was some significance in doing it on that day and the location overlooks some target.

Friday 5 August 2022

Food preparation

Everybody at camp has chores to do not least those connected with cooking as it won't do itself.
Here, this boy is taking the eyes out of the potatoes and removing the skins which was something I had to learn myself in similar circumstances having not done this at home.

The satisfaction you get by now being able to do so is priceless.

Wednesday 3 August 2022


One of the delightful things about summer is the wild meadowlands that spring to life with all manner of wild flowers together with native grasses.

This is just brilliant for butterflies and polinators such as bees which have been having a hard time in recent years  with both diseases and changes in land usage before we factor in climate change.

Just planting some wild flowers in a planter ot garden can help make a difference.

Monday 1 August 2022

The spirit of adventure

“It’s a comforting sort of thing to have,” said Christopher Robin, folding up the POEM, and putting it in his pocket. “Come on, Pooh,” and he walked off. 

“Where are we going?” said Pooh.

“Nowhere,” said Christopher Robin.

So they began going there.


In a way that to sums up the spirit of adventure, the belief, the confidence in beginning a journey of exploration even if we are unsure of our destination.