
Monday 27 February 2023

Out now

We are almost ready for Spring although as I type this the say had started at around 3.2 degrees and had only risen to 5.2 this morning and while out exploring earlier on in the week, I was delighted to come by these.

 Snow drops are by no means unusual here, indeed walks along planted trails of them are actually quite common, but while walking along an old coaching road, I noticed these in the hedgerows.

It's always worth keeping your eyes and ears open while out where you may find yourself rewarded.

Friday 24 February 2023

Moving your own way


There is a tendency to say "but kids today are too soft, lacking grit" and possibly some are although it wasn't unknown in the past either but generally it's wrong to castigate all  and here we see one lad who clearly has the detirmination to make his move in life whatever his personal challenges are in much the same way I had to, all those years ago.

He's getting about, earning his badges and no doubt playing a full part in his Six as in truth as the late Tom Petty remarked we can't remain laying like a refugee left and abandoned expecting others to pick us up.

We have to do that for us and not be defined by what has happened but more by what we are making happen in our lives.

People have a part to play, a social responsiblity to help each other, movements such as Scouting can help a lot - and scouting was ahead of the game for a long time - to help those of us with disabilities but we have to help ourselves to go foward.

****Short news update****

In the unstable world of Tumblr where initially this blog started and many others just seem to go the blog "roverscoutandy" that specialized in continental specifically German speaking vintage scouting blog appears to have had its account terminated a few days ago.

While taking no pleasure from what has happened to him, it only goes to show that my decision  to back up to here and host images on blogger rather than using any direct from Tumblr was right as while I lost my account, at least I'm still standing making a unique Scouting related blog

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Founders day edition

 Today is Founders Day where we reflect upon what Lord Baden-Powell (second left)  gave to the World with the concept of Scouting which he founded.

His vision has influenced countless generations of young people globally, providing opportunities for them to experience self-discovery through an array of activities and impact-driven initiatives.

This day is also deeply personal to each of us, as we recollect Scouting’s heritage, and memories of special moments in Scouting – our first Promise, new friendships, and the many activities filled with adventure and fun!

Over the years, Scouting has evolved significantly – it’s what it means to be a Movement. Scouting is dedicated to creating impactful and life-changing experiences for young people through the different programs offered.

Fun and games are often held for children while leaders talk about how scouting helps you move on in life.

Thank you B-P.

Monday 20 February 2023

A House with a view

These Victorian properties were built as a Home ashore for employees of one of the main narrowboat companies with two bedrooms, a living room and an area for the range for cooking on.

Loftspace has been used in some recently to create a third bedroom.

If they don't quite look straight it's no wonder much of this area suffers from subsidence issues and indeed not far away some cottages sank into the ground!

Friday 17 February 2023

It's all coming out


The recent warmer spot brought out the catkins  around here that don't tend to have a particulary long season.
A sign it's only a couple of weeks to go to Spring, the daffodil's are starting to come up joined by some more flowers and given the semi seclude nature of this spot, I did use fill in flash.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Passing through

Just making its way towards Wheelock with a good number of locks to contend with, just watching this come in a wamish later Winter's day while talkwing with people was very relaxing as things start to open up again.

Monday 13 February 2023

Using a lock

As we enter Spring, the first of the seasonal canalside traffic begins with the time served routines of going through the differing locks to travel through various bridges, the railing of one is clearly visable from the foreground.

Here the user is winching the lock to cause the water levels inside to reduce enabling it to go lower ready to exit that section and on into the next.

Friday 10 February 2023


The nesting season is very much upon us so crows and magpies have been spotted going back and forth from their nests both in woodland and in other settings such as local recreation areas between some of the nondescipt twentieth century developments.

Just watching such things isn't just educational but also highly relaxing.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

The way things were

 Very much a vintage scene a scout in Monmouthshire, Wales around the 1950's posing for his photograph at Camp when things were more rough and ready and uniforms were always worn correctly no matter what.

For all of that though, those youngsters did really enjoy their time, learning and applying new skills, having fun.

Monday 6 February 2023

Rewind to 1962

 Something that did land my way recently was this used but decent reading copy of the 1962 Sixer Annual aimed at Wolf Cubs which like most annuals was actual published and therefore prepared in 1961.

Like many publications back then the binding was far more robust than on most modern publications which means even much loved copied usually just need handling with the care you were shown rather than being handled with kid gloves.

As was normal back then the faces of contributing wolf cubs were featured on the back.

The Frontispiece is beautiful with illustrations based upon the lives and activities of cubs from Grand Howl to Bob a Job week

The contents page which has stories about Wolf Cubs, camps, things you can do and the life of our founder B-P to inspire you along your way plus games and crosswords.

What more could you ask for?

I found it a greatly enjoyable read as I recover from this virus that has been affecting me since the end of last year, keeping my motivation to try and be the best I can even in this high.

Friday 3 February 2023

Things are beginning to change

We may be still in Winter but things are after the snowy period starting to really warm up as we slowly make our way towards Spring.

We had the mass gathering of birds as they migrate here so what we are seeing more of is the grey pigeons nesting and flying to and fro the trees, in this instance, in our local park that I got out to a few days ago.

Wild berries are starting to emerge to in the warmer parts looking most attractive such as these growing in a hedgerow.

Wednesday 1 February 2023


There are somethings that were beyond of our comprehension when we first heard about Scouting all those years ago where things like the communication badge involved bulky transmitting equipment such as base stations and the mobile transeivers of the late 70's and 80's had the depth of the average hardback book even if relatively short in length.

Uually this is taught by an experienced amateur radio operator who has a license and overseas such contacts for the scout although he or she may study for and gain a "novice" license too.

Little did we anticipate the slim versions using tiny chips that fit snugly into your hand that are both cheap and common place today that make making contacts "in the field" so much easier.