
Wednesday 29 September 2021

A trip to the Rise

It was rather a wet start to the week with torrential downpours but I got my red waterproof jacket out, the one with the built in hood ideal for when it can be warm with showers and went out exploring.

Much of this area is reclaimed, some from the site of former Salt works that literally went under due to subsidence, a common local issue and part a local authority refuse site suitably landscaped and given a new title.

From where this picture was taken there are three pathways, one that leads to the local canal and two into the reclaimed area itself.

The central one leads through a steep drop which is terraced along a narrow path towards Lawton Heath over a brook where the Valley Cottage is underpinned to prevent it from sinking and where fresh sink holes are by no means uncommon.

The display board provides some background information on the area, a map and directions you may wish to explore.

The Rise itself has a higher section toward the backs of property in the village and a much lower area when the ground dropped (and slowly continues to over the years) which is kept more as meadowland.

The area often sees butterflies, a variety of birds and small mammals with views across the stream at base of the River Weaver which is much lower due to the subsidence which apart from taking the salt works also took a row of houses, a pub and chunk of agricultural land.

There are a few tables where you can sit and watch and further up some rustic seating.

Monday 27 September 2021

Autumn meadowland

Exploring can be fine although I got chased by a Hornet when I was taking some pictured for this blog.

The meadowlands look rather like this with plenty of live around and under them included said hornet although there are mowed paths through part of it which saves damaging the environment just exploring.

Unfortunately we lost some wildlife to a police incident that bought helicopters, drones and armed police for two nights as having killed some ducks, persons turned on to people resulting in a lockdown at the nearby public house.

For those birds that survived that incident the berries are out in force very juicy looking part from those in the hedgerows that are like those I grew up with.

Meanwhile down at the farm the roses remain out.

Friday 24 September 2021

The canal in Autumn

Weather was rather good this week so I've been out around the local canal exploring the nearby meadowland where I noticed this enjoyable view come together.

Often when you look at a scene you tend to notice just the main objects but often it is the details that make it and here it is the reflections of the sky and part of the tow path that adds to the overall picture.
It is still very busy on the canal so apart from those boats moored up no doubt taking advantage of local facilities such as shops and a post office you will see others going through like this on going towards Kidsgrove.

The boat decoration is a bit sparse compared with many but the floral display at the front  is a very nice touch.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

A colourful morning

Been a pretty warm sunny week so far for exploring.

Many of the flowers remain out even if some of trees are starting to shred their foliage providing food for the bees that are still out and the butterfly some of which I was just point four of a metre away from.

One thing I did have to back away from at speed was a hornet exploring the meadows where after spotting him just in the direction I wanted to go he decided to go for me! 

This group of flowers with the almost burnt orange petals held my attention for a bit with those colours.

Monday 20 September 2021

Come in out of the rain

Erwin Olaf':  'Rain, The Ice Cream Parlour', 2004

When scouting you may well enter a village or town nearby with the intent of stocking up on previsions but other things may come into it as this boy has grazed his knee which requires an Elastoplast or Band Aid which may hurt so it's quite possible he called in there for help and at the same time was treated to an ice cream.

He would in any event no doubt liked the opportunity to pet the dog  who appears to have taken something of a shine to him.

Once he's finished it he needs to pull up his right sock as it has started to fall down despite having his traditional garters!

Friday 17 September 2021

Ready to go

 Better weather this week with sun out most afternoons.

Exploring this week down at the nursery this week and the saplings have grown really well, tall and looking very well.

Looking across there's a unit at the farm for cattle and hidden behind the tree foliage is a herd of Frisian cows

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Of Bark

Summer is more or less over as we transition to Autumn although this morning was rather drizzly and dull, the afternoon cleared up and as I type this actually is really sunny out  and fine for bare arms and legs.

Tree bark has always been a fascinating thing with me, finding it hard not to stop, look for what to some seen like ages at it before moving on  and this one called out to me a few days ago with the green growth upon it.

There are signs of the golden Fall starting to emerge if one looks closely for them with fiolage going crispier at the edges and some even having fell off already as I'm recovering after being poorly last week.

Monday 13 September 2021


You and the Pack belong and act as one.

I've always loved the symbolism of this illustration as you all go exploring, growing together.

To be in such surroundings together is just lovely.

Friday 10 September 2021

Exploring inwards

Exploring is undeniably a big motivator for many of us however it is advisable to know what it is you are getting into sometimes literally as in looking into caverns as streams, lose material and  very tight corners can be hazardous if not treated with respect.

A well known feature will have had others explore and share their findings or be marked on a O.S. Map or the group leader has own prior knowledge of and good first aid training should anything happen.

Properly taken care of a challenge like that can be an enjoyable thing you'll talk about for ages and become a legend within the packs history.

Another alternative would be to go on an organized tour such as those that operate in the Peak District of England.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

The way things just are

 Headed out although I hadn't been feeling to good so far.

What I find fascinating is just how it is a tree just throws out its branches, going out quite some way and here it forms the division of two separate rights of way either side of it that you must keep to  to avoid the areas grazed or planted. 

While exploring this week I spotted these wild flowers in with some mixed vegetation towards the far end of the field, a sure sign they had been getting plenty of moisture.

There are some who'd of taken cutters to some of the grasses but I prefer to leave things in situ and anyway nature isn't highly composed in the way a gardener might set out his or her lawn. 

Monday 6 September 2021

Spending time with the horses

It wasn't the best of weather at the weekend but we did manage to get out and see some different sights about in that cross over period between late Summer and Early Autumn.

One thing about this area is there are bits of smallholdings dotted about often let on a short term basis to people so you get a variety of animals in grazing.

This time it was the horses, which had been visiting around this time certainly from the mid 1990's as I had to rescue my camera bag which I used with the Minolta XD7 that one horse had grabbed between its teeth and placed inside the grounds!

This one is definitely a male as I was able to see the evidence as it were.

It was a fairly cool morning requiring a padded jacket over my t shirt and shorts so it wasn't so surprising they were engaged very much with chewing rather than venturing toward me.

It was worth balancing by the hedgerow to just see them enjoying themselves while I took in some fresh air and exercise. 

Friday 3 September 2021

Sea Scouts

Sea Scouts is a branch of scouting linked with the Royal Navy so many of their activities are connected to being at sea although they follow the scouting program and associated awards of which a number here clearly have.

It is interesting to note their tops, shorts and socks are different having more of naval feel to them and needless to say they look spotless.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

The modern scout

We begin this month with looking at an element around scouting today.

The Modern Cub or Scout isn't immune from trends in modern society such as the prevalence of the SmartPhone with many owning one and in all fairness it can be seen as useful whereas in our day it was the Red Call Box and Local Post Office we'd use if we needed to get a message through away from home.

Time was when we all carried spare change to put in it to make a call and how to get the caller to accept the charge if not.

Today there are much less call boxes and even less post offices in small towns and villages  so being proficient in using one can be seen as a useful Communications Skill.

What matters in all youth organizations is that excess use is strongly discouraged especially when it comes to gaming and social media and they are put away as required to get on with say Scouting without distractions and encourage greater self reliance.