
Monday 28 February 2022

On the right path

Making our way along the ridges and mountain passes we look in wonder at the shape of our Creators world in all its glory, remembering as we pass to Leave No Trace of our being there.

Our World is important and we must learn to show responsible stewardship in both teaching the next generation how to respect it and what it has to offer us in meeting our needs for food and also mental and physical well-being.

Friday 25 February 2022

Finding your way out


Finding our way is not also so straightforward as I explored on foot part of the woodlands here earlier in the week where there was a lot of debris from the recent storms scattered about apart from the flooding along a part I wished to travel upon.

This involved rechecking the route and looking at my maps showing the footways and paths to determine a new route for this trip without anything such as GPS or similar functions on a smartphone as my mobile is a internet free very robust model more to keep in touch and summon assistance free from distractions.

Map reading is one skill I learned which is highly useful.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Poised and saluted

Taking the Scout Salute, german style as his fellow pack members look on. It has been a very memorable day for him.

Monday 21 February 2022

Post storm entry


The last few days have been very stormy here with us being on Amber alert on Friday and while out on Saturday, my duffle coat was very wet on the surface while running some errands as you do.

Temperatures dropped to two degrees from first thing and if one looked closely, you could see white sleet in with the rain.

I find tree structures interesting and this is one I saw a few days back on the edge of the woods on day with sunshine.

Friday 18 February 2022

Thor's Cave

This is Thor's Cave  in the Manifold Valley of the White Peak, one of three parts of the Peak District in Staffordshire, England. 

It is classified as a karst cave. 

Located in a steep limestone crag, the cave entrance that comprises of an symmetrical arch 7.5 metres wide and 10 metres high, is prominently visible from the valley bottom, around 80 metres (260 feet) below. 

Reached by an easy stepped path from the Manifold Way, the cave with views over the Manifold Valley is a most popular tourist attraction. 

The second entrance is known as the "West Window", below which is a second cave, Thor's Fissure Cavern.

Interestingly Thor's Cave was served by a railway station on the Leek and Manifold Valley Light Railway from 1904 to 1934 and that disused line now forms the Manifold Way.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Tales from the woods


Tales from the woods you might well say but this was just as it was before the torrential rain of the last few days turned much in wet sponges and mud in the woods and fields here as I went in the infrequent pauses.

Although this is winter, some signs of Spring can be seen in the vibrancy of some of the foliage and the emergence of Pussywillow and Daffodils from their slumber. 

Monday 14 February 2022

Coming out

 Weekend was wet and windy here but while out I noticed the warmer weather is making a bit of a difference with catkin and these berries just starting to come out as with any luck we climb out of winter and into Spring.

They were spotted towards the rear of the local wood one morning with lighting being a mixture of natural light and flash.

Friday 11 February 2022

Indoor climbing


The urge to seek new challenges to conquer remains with the young and the young at heart although how we get them has changed much over the decades from the days when we had to find natural geographic features to climb or explore.

Here this teen is at one of many indoor climbing centres where artificial structures have been created to simulate rock climbing with rough outcrops to pull himself along that have the benefits of not only being available anywhere but also without the constraints that bad weather can bring to planned sessions outdoors.

This helps in bringing such rewarding experiences to those who can benefit from them.  

Wednesday 9 February 2022

The Snowdrop


In a sure sign that as cold as it has been the Season's haven't really changed the Snowdrops are bursting out here.

The Snowdrop or to use its scientific name Galanthus which is from from Ancient Greek, is a small genus of approximately 20 species of bulbous perennial herbaceous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. 

The plants have two linear leaves and a single small white drooping bell-shaped flower with six petal-like (petaloid) tepals in two circles (whorls). The smaller inner petals have green markings.

In this area Snowdrop Walks are held to which people can join spotting and taking photographs of them in historic halls and gardens.

Monday 7 February 2022



Arriving one sees the bales of hay all wrapped up and the cows of the nearby herd grazing in the field.

It is most important to check and where necessary, review your route where animals such as them a re grazing if you value your life!

On the day in question, we had had heavy showers making access more difficult with much mud puddles of water.

Friday 4 February 2022

Taking a rest

Sometimes after a long hike you feel like a bit of a rest for an hour or so before resuming so I can't blame this Scout for taking one.

It's always a good idea to keep hydrated and be mindful to eat regularly along your way, stopping briefly as necessary.  

Wednesday 2 February 2022

Uses of a sleeping bag


Sleeping bags have moved on  quite a bit from my early days with lighter weight materials, higher insulation to trap and keep the heat in for a cozy nights sleep under the stars.

Given the youngest members of the scout family sleep under supervision indoors but otherwise in a tent, the groundsheet is clean enough to allow the sleeping bag to rest upon that allows it to be a function as a rug for lying reading a book or just having fun before the organized activities begin.