
Friday 29 December 2023

Scouting and Me review 2023

 Over the last two years we decided to do a bit of a review of the year unlike previous years and I am inclined to devote a bit of time to that this time.

The year has seen some challenges not least the loss of my Mum, coping with the emotionally intense reactions of Dad as he obviously grieved not being helped by the delays in getting all the funeral arrangements done and a few bouts of covid on my part too although I did get my booster done early this month.

I did however continue exploring the woods, meeting people and helping out in the community in various ways all of which have helped deal with some of the long term effects of not just the pandemic but having contracted it myself.

I managed to get away which allowed for exploring of the southern half of Westmorland around The Lakes and the Ribble Valley area of Lancashire.

We looked on this blog a bit the places I had visited when I was younger and got the bug for all this with the skills and lessons I have learned along the way.

Uniform was renewed too from quality suppliers.

I wrote about modern day scouting on this blog, the challenges, the sterling work of all in it running the programs, the badges and just what children and young people get out of it.

This blog beyond the "And me" always looks outwards and this year I contributed not just on a monthly basis to Gilwell aiding the Scout Association nationally in its work but with the Squirrel appeal for our four to six year olds that were established in their Dreys last year.

I also contributed to our own scouts, here in the Potteries North district in a number of ways enjoying seeing them taking part in community life, something that cheers me up no end.

Overall in excess of £980 was raised through the Santa appeal through peoples generosity locally in December which was amazing and testiment to how we feel about Scouts.

Here's to Twenty Twenty Four!

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Guides outdoors

By tradition on this blog we mainly look at the units that boys in scouting would join although the Scout Association today being co-ed is open for girls too and this blog isn't just a nostalgia based one.

Somehow and somewhere boys of a certain age tend to get the idea girls have it easier even in Scouting and yes elements of the programs can differ but those in Girlguiding have never had it easy.

Then as now camping was more or less the same for guides as scouts, these guides from 1948 have had to pitch their tent, ensure their uniform was put away properly and look smart on parade.

When I sometimes see cubs and scouts today I sometimes feel those in charge could usefuly get them 'smartened up' not least in public settings.

Monday 25 December 2023

The thing for the Scout

It's christmas so I do look at the odd thing in the stocking that pertains to scouting and this is this years.

Basically it's a  book stuffed like an overfilled rucksack with tips and tricks from one of the world's most celebrated adventurers apart from being Chief Scout from pitching a tent, leading a team, how to keep fit, tie knots, memorise facts, identify trees, stars and birds, as well as learning real survival skills like putting up a tent in the wild and stashing your breakfast in ground to keep it hot for the next morning?

This is the book for anyone who is a Scout, was a Scout, or wants to be a Scout and was very much a wanted present this year.

Friday 22 December 2023

Christmas Pause edition

Now then, now then, now then!

As the weekend begins I get busy as Christmas is upon us visiting folk and on Monday the day itself is here so we normally pause on note of seasonal greetings for all who follow this blog.

Wishing you all a very happy christmas and all the best for 2024.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Joint activities

Here's a great idea, a combined Brownies and Cubs Christmas pantomine show with everybody not in costume looking really smart and some scout groups do Christmas performances.

Monday 18 December 2023

Ho Ho Ho!

The countdown continues here as in most places by the arrival of the Man himself, Mr Santa Claus who really gets around.

Here this happens thanks to the local Scout Group as the sleigh does a circular tour of all the main estates with a powerful sound system followed by local members and leaders which happened yesterday as I was out cheering him on.

Funds are raised for the local unit and we all enjoy seeing Mr Claus in all his refinery.

Friday 15 December 2023

The Christmas post service

Amazingly the great tradition of writing Christmas cards and your local scout or guide group arranging a collection service in its area is alive and well with lots of drop off points to make it very convienent for locals.

A small fee here is charged with proceeds going to the local scouts with an organized delivery system in place.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Making the change in the state of the Planet

 The one thing that strikes me after climate change conferences is that for all the big and really important talk about the impact of things like the use of fossil fuels, population pressures on the world's resources and regional inequalities is the small things that we all could change such as desposing our waste and litter is something literally right on our doorsteps is something all too many of us are not doing properly.

I don't have to go far here to see litter strewn in the street or alongside principal roads or the boundaries of wood or heathlands and yet it is not difficult to find a bin to put it in or if on a journey to take it back home to bring it home for your own bin.

When we camp we should Leave No Trace, ensuring that when we've had our fun other people will not have theirs spoilt by our thoughtlessness, never mind the impact on any wildlife which is why in Scouts we do place a great emphasis on this whenever we are about and often scouts will be involved in community tidy ups as much as doing things like planting trees together with other conservation activities.

Environmental activism starts on your own doorstep.

Monday 11 December 2023

Was Santa Claus a boy scout?


One thing that has often facinated me is how many historical figures may perhaps of been Scouts before it really started when you look at their lives and how they live them

Let's take a look at Santa Claus shall we and see how he may compare and specifically how he compares against the Scout Law:

Trustworthy – You certainly can trust that Santa will show up every year, just like he promises.

Loyal – He’s very dedicated to his craft and his mission. Imagine the disappointment if he wasn’t loyal to his work.

Helpful – saves many Dads from last-minute shopping. Dads are notorious for leaving things to the last minute, just ask a mom.

Friendly – how many adults would let a millions of kids sit on their lap and listen to what they want? And smile while doing it?

Courteous – He always says “thank You” for the billions of calories he gets in milk and cookies each year.

Kind – delivering gifts to children is a great act of kindness. Except for the drum sets. That’s not too kind, at least to the parents.

Obedient – I emailed Mrs. Claus on this one. No reply, but seeing he’s been married for all those years, I’m going to bet he does what she tells him.

Cheerful – Ho ho ho. Need I say more?

Thrifty – makes his own toys. Saves a bundle on shipping alone.

Brave – would you get in a magic sleigh pulled by reindeer and fly? Me neither.

Clean – not sure how he does it, but that red suit looks great even after the millionth chimney has been gone down

Reverent – does his thing on a very special night for his religion and represents the spirit of the day.

…So yes Troop, it looks like Santa Claus may indeed have been a Boy Scout.

This time of year no matter what holiday you celebrate, remember that doing your best every day and living the Scout Oath and Law is what really makes each of you a Boy Scout!

Friday 8 December 2023

Scouting ties it all together

 When it comes to being able to fasten things together, often out of doors knowing your knots really does come in handy and in scouts we don't just learn of them but practise making them so you'll be able use thta knowledge effectively.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Restful winter

 After the snow of the last few days and much rainfall, we return to the other side of winter while out here.

Moored up while its occupants are getting provisions here as there is only one place three miles south that has that with a day or so of travelling and enjoying a walk in the fresh air, this barge (aka a narrow boat) is traditionally decorated while the reflections in the water are idyllic.

Looking to its right, beyond the tow path is a steep drop in land level, the direct result of subsidence from mining which is endemic here.

Monday 4 December 2023

Cubs Naturalist Activity Badge

Sometimes I do look at the Awards and corresponding badges here, some of which change over the decades that Cubs may earn in part to show the effort the young person does put in and also what Scouts in its different programs does offer.

Ecology and the Environment is a topical subject and a part of our role as responsible stewards over time is understanding and caring for the natural world so it seemed a good idea to look at the Naturalist Activity Badge, something that also would appeal to me.

How to earn your badge:

  1. Learn how to identify six different living things from two of these categories:
    • trees
    • garden birds
    • water birds
    • minibeasts and insects
    • wild flowers
    • pond dwellers
    • fungi
    • butterflies and moths

    That means you should have 12 examples in total.

  2. Over three months, visit the same natural area at least four times.

    Take a note of the changes in the plants and wildlife that you see. You might visit a garden, hedgerow, canal, river lake or park. Make sure that you have an adult’s permission for the visits.

  3. Learn the countryside code and how to follow it.
  4. Choose one of these activities to do:
    1. Make a hedgehog, ladybird or bee house.
    2. Create a piece of art using natural material. You could do a bark or leaf rubbing, dried flower picture or maybe a collage.
    3. With an adult pick wild edible berries, leaves or fruit. Use them in a recipe.
    4. Use a dye that uses natural ingredients to colour a piece of material.
    5. Make a feeding station for birds. Get permission to hang it in a good position.
  • Guidance is available over the sort of activity you might plan, permissions required and safety considerations but it is YOUR effort that would secure the award.
  • Friday 1 December 2023

    Parachute Tag


    Thankfully not everything in cubs is just learning a skill or passing a test leading to an award as great as that can be.

    We do play games and a fun game is Parachute Tag and this is what we do.

    Everyone should hold the parachute at about waist height.

    The person leading the activity should count to ‘3’, or give a signal, and ask everyone to lift the parachute high over their heads.

    When the parachute is in the air, the person leading the activity should quickly call one person’s name.

    The chosen person should then try to run underneath and to the other side of the parachute before the parachute comes down and ‘tags’ them.

    Once their turn is over, they return to their spot and you can play again.