
Wednesday 14 August 2024


Something that pokes its head up at that time year is the annual subscriptions paid by each local Scout Association branch to the national body.

These, like most things in national life, have gone up not least to cover the costs of recruiting more leaders to reduce the backlog of would be scouts on the list of members waiting for spaces to become available and also the business around safeguarding to fully review it not least as it applies to overnight stays.

Systems are good but it is felt there is some room for improvement when it comes to providing advice before and during any activity like pack holidays and in todays rather litigatious climate, whenever anything might go wrong often there are claims that need defending and the best defence is showing you have fully condidered everything risk and how you'd manage them.

No longer can you just gather up your pack and just say "We'll off to the Tissington trail or going to Chasewater", there's a lot more preperation involved.

That's why they've gone up

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