
Monday 10 June 2024

What can we learn from D-Day as scouts?

A good question, well worth asking is what is the practical import, the value of the D-Day commemorations to the young, not least those in scouting regardless of which branch?

What for that matter can the rest of us take from what they did?

 As then BSA National Commissioner Tico Perez said in 2018, the Normandy camporee, through remembrance of the sacrifices made during D-Day, teaches the importance of leadership to drive and to push you beyond yourself to accomplish a greater goal – even if it’s hard or even if you may not want to. What better place to learn these lessons –  of overcoming seemingly insurmountable personal and situational obstacles – than in Normandy.

Sometimes we appear to promote risk aversion to the point we refuse to contemplate necessary actions lest obstacles get in the way or some other thing just might happen but through proper preparedness we can meet them.

The photograph is of special D-Day commemoration in Oxfordshire.

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