
Friday 21 June 2024

Plant a meadow


After yesterday's reported idiotic assault on Stonehenge by environmental activists, I thought we might look at something you can do to support bio-diversity and help the bees out.

Going out this week showed a goodly proportion of meadowland despite the best endeavours of the municipal "as flat as a bowling green" grass cutting team on our greens and the edges of our park.

You might consider growing a small meadow, not least where some might of taken up front gardens for parking spaces or you may only have a balcony or small plot.

One thing is a good mix of wild flowers even in a narrow strip in a planter or direct to the soil will bring in more insect activity than your average mowed lawn which as good as having a green space is really does't support much.

Passing one property I saw more going on in a island of wildflowers by an area made into a parking area than a neighbouring flat grass garden.

You can involve children in doing this clearing the area and planting too so how about it?

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