
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Thoughts from the past

As I sit typing this up it is raining yet again here although the weekend was quite a bit better than forecast with just the odd heavy shower and no thunder unlike at my aunts a few miles away.

Things generally come out at this time of year so when I've been out I've been mindful of catching anything with long stems against my limbs as things like tics and gnats can easily land on and do as a matter of course do wear insect repellant.

Getting a little bit back to what we were talking about on Monday, whenever I did any kind of outdoor adventures back then usually it require somebody around to assist me for instance with getting changed or using things I lacked the co-ordination or strength for.

There were always staff around but in practise with things like orieneteering then it was usually another trusted boy who would step up.

Generally if on foot or in my wheelchair I tended to prefer wearing short trousers as to me they were more healthier and easier to put on myself even if getting your socks on straight and past the heel sometimes was hard going needing a hand or two.

While it may not of been in the form I would of preferred, actually I'm quite grateful for those opportunities to be involved in ourdoor pursuits.

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