
Friday, 17 November 2023

International Literacy Day

 As I rest my paws after doing a few things beyond this blogs remit, going back a bit to Wednesday's post as I'm typing this on Thursday night it is International Literacy Day which is being looked at within scouting.

Reading books isn't just some harmless activity to fill up spare time but actually quite inspirational for the impact they have on people of all ages and not least children and young people.

They may cause you to question certain assumptions and ideas or inspire you to try out new and differing things in your life which as a person who has faced life-long disability challenges I know can be an uphill struggle.

Within the history of Cubs (and before then cub scouts and Wolf Cubs) one such book played a massive part and that was Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book.

Time reading stories, learning to "story tell" so the book is brought to life through using different voices, intonations isn't just relaxing but can help teach things such as understanding and empathy with characters and their situations.

Another thing is you find your brain moves into that world so you feel those situations as if you would "for real" and so it can aid learning to deal with stressful situations and think out strategies.

That's why time spent in meetings and at things like camp spent on reading is well worth while

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