Today is Saint Andrew's Day, the day of the patron saint of Scotland, one of the four Home Countries of the United Kingdom.
Andrew the Apostle also called Saint Andrew, was an apostle of Jesus according to the New Testament. He is the brother of Simon Peter and is a son of Jonah.
One legend builds upon Andrew’s extensive travels, claiming that he actually came to Scotland and built a church in Fife. This town is now called St Andrews, and the church became a centre for evangelism, and pilgrims came from all over Britain to pray there.
Another ancient legend recalls how it was after the death of Andrew, sometime in the 4th century, that several of his relics where brought to Fife by Rule, a native of Patras.

It's not uncommon in Scotland, especially for ceremonial events such as parades for male Scouts to wear kilts and females to wear plaid skirts.