
Wednesday 7 August 2019

Drawing a line under a past incident

One thing I wrote about on my main blog and mentioned the odd time in passing is the symbolism of cub scouting as part of a childhood denied and the extent to which it was the first manifestation of my reversion to being more like the eternal boy of ten I always felt in my mid teens.
The former did as anyone who has read this blog page to page knows mattered and the latter involved using what had been left toward the back of draws from the time previous plus bits of my younger brothers cub uniform after he'd left.
My earliest regressive experiences did involve dressing in cub attire  but following the accidental discovery of the garters I was gutted to be informed they'd all been thrown away as "You no longer need them" at which point you felt like saying "define NEED Mum".
Anyway, while not being identical to the one I had then, I now have the early 80's version, the nearest one can get to restoring a lost link to the past although no doubt at some point I may well get the new 'wolf cub' cap, kneckerchief, green top, and garters a well know Derbyshire supplier stocks in adult sizes although when it comes to footwear I do take boys rather than men's sizes.
A line is can now be drawn under that part of my past.

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