
Wednesday, 24 October 2018


There was a part of this year where having been facing death, I just felt I had to actually pray and while in connexion with my own religious beliefs this takes more the form of understanding yourself as God's own creation, focusing on what is right with it through silent prayer and reflection, nonetheless I found myself praying the above prayer aloud.

Atonement for me means the at-one-ment with God, the renewal of that past bond and the re-dedication to serving, making a difference for the better in the lives of others and through that your own.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog quite by accident. It is interesting but more important you seem to be an interesting boy/man. I need some help understanding a phrase that has appeared several times as I have been reading: "alb/asb life" I have the impression it has something to do with your disability. Would you please explain? Incidentally I have a blog on here as well. It might be easier to contact me directly rather than through the
